2012 Elections

Winning Again – What Business Wants in 2012

Today’s economy is constantly in flux and despite the advances in technology, we seem to be living in very unstable times. A faltering economy, uncertainty with the markets, a lack of consensus in Congress and among many state legislators, and a lack of funding from the federal and state government where local government can no longer obtain the money they need to provide standard municipal services . While the price of gas continues to fluctuate, unemployment continues to gain.  Although property values in some communities are starting to come back, economic uncertainty continues to grow.  Overal political uncertainty reins as gridlock and political in fighting continue such important issues as tax reform, health care, education, deficit reduction and more.  

There is a leadership vacuum in Washington and in a number of state legislators to provide any direction or resolution to these lingering issue.  There is also a split in the business community.

  • Some want government help with rising health care costs, while others do not.
  • Some want more action on global warming while others do not.

Yet we all agree that something needs to change in order for the economy to improve, sales to increase and jobs to be back in demand.  In fact, where most if not all business folks agree is that they want more jobs and greater certainty in conducting business, as well as for the government to get their act together.

The business sector also want:

  • Tax credits and specfically tax credits for R&D; and,
  • Increased visas for high tech workers to supply a workforce with a skills gap.

At the same time the business community seeks a government that invests in education and finding ways to educate our children in areas that will advance America’s economy.

The business community also wants a government that they can partner with to help move the economy forward. But business does not want to be in a partnership with a government that has a growing deficit with no plan to get out and a government that is not as transparent as it should be.  As we look to end another year, with a potentially devisive election, it is important for all candidates to agree on the big picture as to where they want this country to be one year from now.