North Coast

Michigan's Role in the Blue Economy

A number of Israeli companies are looking toward Michigan to set up shop and look at ways of using Michigan's Great Lakes for their economic gain and our environmental survival. Michigan is located on America's North Coast, but it is really the world's "Fresh Water Coast." Endleman, a large independent PR agency, recently published a report on water. In the report, they state that the World Resources Institute is working with investors to develop meaningful disclosure around corporate water use and behaviour. In fact, some are pushing for companies to put on labels, how many gallons of water it takes to make a product.

With water becoming more scarce, Michigan has a real opportunity to capitalize on our position in the Great Lakes. We can work to attract an entice companies to Michigan to research and develop new technologies around water. We also can work to stay focused on our strengths -- manufacturing and work to help re-locate companies to Michigan who rely on water in their manufacturing process.

As stewards of the Great Lakes, the State of Michigan should lead the way in creating regulations for how manufacturers can use and re-use water from the Great Lakes for manufacturing. Then create the framework to attract manufacturers from all over the world, who rely on water in the manufacturing process to come to the Great Lakes. The key issue, in my opinion, is how can companies use and re-use the water in the Great Lakes. [gallery]