
As CEO, its' time for you to lean in, speak up and speak out!

As CEO, its' time for you to lean in, speak up and speak out!

Companies and CEOs today have the power to influence the public's agenda. Whether it is banning together to advance an agenda as part of a trade association or speaking up and speaking out on their own, employees and customers today are demanding the companies they work for or do business with share their corporate values, become more aware of current events and become more vocal on societal issues.

When do CEOs make their personal views public?

 When do CEOs make their personal views public?

If speaking up results in public backlash, the business leader should be prepared to deal with the issue and work with their PR and legal team to get in front of it. Whether it is holding a news conference, publishing an op ed or posting a Tweet. Words do matter and they should be communicated carefully.