5 Questions Every CEO or Board Member Should Be Asking When Speaking Up on a Potentially Polarizing Issue

CEOS today are expected to speak up when fundamental human values are threatened. Surveys find that most people expect CEOs today to speak up and participate in broader societal issues that directly or indirectly affect their business and employees. So, the question is no longer "Whether a CEO speaks up," it is a question of "How a CEO speaks up."

You can't be expected to speak up on everything. In picking the issues to speak up on, ask, "Does it align with your company's values and strategy?" and, "How does it impact your business?" Then, ask, "How can you have a meaningful influence on the issue?" "Does your voice matter, or are you adding noise? Are you being consistent, and before you speak up, know yourself internally.

Then, when you embrace a problem, get aligned behind it and actively drive solutions that will make an impact. Do it transparently and in partnership with others. Find allies, and in tackling these challenges, be innovative. It will make your company stronger and team members engaged. Finally, find someone to hold yourself accountable. Today your company is not only selling a service or a product. You are becoming a solution provider.

Daniel Cherrin

DANIEL CHERRIN |served the City of Detroit as its Communications Director and the Press Secretary to Detroit Mayor, Ken Cockrel, Jr. He is a public relations + affairs specialist who just happens to be a lawyer, with 20 years of experience providing senior public relations and government relations’ counsel to organizations on state and federal regulatory and legislative matters, as well as issues affecting corporate and individual reputation, crisis management and the media. Daniel is the founder of NORTH COAST STRATEGIES (Est. 2005) an independent public relations consultancy that combines the best of a big agency with hands-on executive-level experience and support. As a signatory company to the United Nations Global Compact, we are dedicated to addressing issues around human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We are also focused on redefining your brand and changing the conversation to create an impact.