Earlier this week, I met with the president of a national association to talk about developing an awareness campaign around a particular issue. In that discussion, I suggested Snapchat as a medium for engaging a younger audience. It came as no surprise that he, like so many CEOs and the executives, do not know what Snapchat is. I just happen to have a tween at home, who is on Snapchat and so, with her help, I now have an account and follow her among others.
In a snap, snapchat is a mobile messaging app where a user takes a snapshot, adds a caption, drawing or filer and posts it. The picture will last for a few seconds and it is gone for good. Snapchat has become one of most powerful mediums for engaging an audience with your brand, but to many business leaders, it remains a foreign place for kids to play.
While companies such as Taco Bell, Grub Hub, Wet Seal and McDonald's may find this app in their marketing sweet spot, it may not be the right place for you or your company to engage an audience. You need to know your audience and what they read, view or visit.
Joining Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Snapchat just because everyone else is on it does not mean you need to be. With limited resources, that last thing you want to do is to devote the resources to something where no one is listening.
Join me for a Marketing Minute on the Michigan Business Network (@mibiznetwork) as I talk to Michael Rogers (@mwrogers) from the Small Business Association of Michigan (#SBAM) about social media, crisis management and corporate social responsibility.
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