Fermata Energy Expands Its V2X Technology to Support Growth of the European Electric Vehicle Market

Electric vehicle (EV) sales in Europe are soaring as Fermata Energy, a leading U.S. vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology company, expands its presence there. Fermata Energy has recently opened an office in London, UK, with Claire Weiller, Ph.D. leading their growth in Europe to stay ahead of the automotive industry's transition to all-electric fleets.

"As the second-largest EV market in the world, just behind China, Europe is a critical market for expanding deployment of our V2X technology," said David Slutzky, founder, and CEO of Fermata Energy. "Claire brings with her extensive expertise in the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors, as well as a wealth of contacts and regional knowledge that will help Fermata Energy support the rapid transition to EVs in Europe.  

Joining Fermata Energy as Director of European Strategic Partnerships, Claire leads the company’s market analyses and business development efforts in Europe. She has over ten years of experience having worked at start-ups, in research, and in investments. Claire serves as a technical expert for the European Commission, supporting research and development funding programs. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Management and an MPhil in Technology Policy from the University of Cambridge as well as an M.Sc. in Energy Science and Technology from ETH Zurich, and a BSc in Environmetrics from McGill University.

Fermata Energy has seen tremendous growth in the United States. Last year, the V2X company raised $40 million in investments from investors such as the Carlyle Group and Verizon Ventures, and last month, the U.S. Department of Energy entered into an MOU with Fermata Energy and several of its partners to accelerate V2X technology. In a recent pilot program in Rhode Island at the Burrillville Wastewater Treatment Facility, Fermata Energy enabled its customer to earn USD 4,325 in  10 weeks by participating in a demand response program with National Grid, the local utility. The earnings Fermata Energy generated for its customer more than paid for the vehicle for the year – Fermata Energy’s V2X technology created a free car for its customer. Fermata Energy has also partnered with the city of Boulder, Colorado, where it has successfully helped the city reduce its energy load and lower utility costs by providing V2X services using a Nissan LEAF.

"I am excited to join Fermata Energy, a company at the forefront of V2X technology with a focus on delivering the best value and experience to EV drivers and our partners in the United States and now, Europe.  V2X has a great role to play in a flexible, resilient, and smart energy system, and Fermata Energy is best placed to make this a reality."

Fermata Energy’s V2X technology provides essential energy storage to the power grid to facilitate the transition to renewables and provides revenue generation capabilities for electric vehicle (EV) and EV fleet owners.

Fermata Energy's next-generation bidirectional, UL-approved EV charger and accompanying proprietary energy management software platform help customers dispatch power from stored energy in EV batteries directly back into the grid (V2G), building (V2B), or home (V2H). This functionality turns EVs into energy storage resources, and in the process, unlocks and monetizes the massive energy storage potential of EVs.

Daniel Cherrin

DANIEL CHERRIN |served the City of Detroit as its Communications Director and the Press Secretary to Detroit Mayor, Ken Cockrel, Jr. He is a public relations + affairs specialist who just happens to be a lawyer, with 20 years of experience providing senior public relations and government relations’ counsel to organizations on state and federal regulatory and legislative matters, as well as issues affecting corporate and individual reputation, crisis management and the media. Daniel is the founder of NORTH COAST STRATEGIES (Est. 2005) an independent public relations consultancy that combines the best of a big agency with hands-on executive-level experience and support. As a signatory company to the United Nations Global Compact, we are dedicated to addressing issues around human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We are also focused on redefining your brand and changing the conversation to create an impact.