What sets you apart? For me, its' MI Independence!


Freelance professionals can be found in nearly every corner of the country and in nearly every industry. This cohort of independent American workers is now 55 million strong—an increase over the 54 million who reported freelancing in 2015. That comprises approximately 35% of the entire country’s workforce, according to a recent independent workforce study by the Freelancers Union and Upwork and reported in Fast Co

Because definitions are fuzzy, various studies estimate the percentage of independent workers and sole proprietors at 31 percent7.4 percent, and 14.5 percent. No matter how it’s tallied, the freelance tide is rising. MBO Partners claims independent workers will outnumber salaried employees by 2020.


We are an agency of independents.  Call us what you want – freelancers, contractors, temps, 1099’s or solo-preneurs, we are flexible and nimble enough to build an agency around our clients and not afraid to give you our advice in moving your business forward.  We don’t employ people, we work with a select team of experienced professionals and specific disciplines who sit as equal partners.  With each client, we start from scratch and find the right team to fit that specific job. 

Depending on the project, we work with a team of senior level independent marketing professionals with a strong history. Together, we have flipped the agency model and formed a collaborative brain trust to wrap around our clients depending on the challenge or the opportunity. The agency model is a relic of the past. Although we are each independent consultants, we collaborate with each other and know we are stronger together when working on various projects, depending on our strengths and industry experience.

Unlike the more traditional marketing agency, we come with no overhead, no attitude and all the flexibility to ensure we meet the agreed upon deliverabes, and that we are the ones providing the client service and ultimately responsible for our mutual success.

Instead of adding staff, we create and build networks.

NORTH COAST STRATEGIES |is an independent public relations/affairs consultancy that combines the very best of a big agency with hands-on executive-level experience and support.  We are focused on developing strategic and meaningful relationships to protect a company’s reputation and bottom line, through strategic relationships and engagement.

North Coast Strategies is a public strategies firm offering public relations, public affairs and crisis management services. Our clients expect us to resolve critical issues affecting their businesses by creating a strategic and integrated communications plan, complete with targeted messages leveraging our relationships with the media and government, and business leaders.  We align the message with the marketing goals, and then plan a course of action to shift from the public’s opinion to the public’s decision.

Although we are a small independent agency, we are flexible to meet the evolving needs of our clients while nimble enough to find the right team depending on the project, with dedicated senior-level executives leading at every phase of the project, leveraging a network of other independent consultants.  Our advice is direct, relevant and adds value to the challenges and opportunities our clients face.

Our Product/Service – 

Strategic Communications + Stakeholder Engagement + Crisis Management +
Public Affairs+ Corporate Social Responsibility

We are Independent, Connected and Strategic!

·       If you have a business to build, we will build your BRAND!

·       If you have a story to tell, we will SHARE IT!

·       If you want to protect your reputation, we will keep you out of the HEADLINES!

·       If you want to meet a decision-maker, we will CONNECT YOU!

North Coast Strategies is not a PUBLIC RELATIONS Firm…. We are a public strategies consultancy.

OUR PHILOSOPHY | We believe The Way Forward, is to ENGAGE.  Through strategic communications, strategic relationships and something valuable to share, we find consensus through chaos and work to protect and enhance your reputation in the public eye.  We do this through insight, advocacy and development of key relationships in government, media and the community.

We translate complicated issues into short cogent content while working to make your message memorable and shareable.

OUR VALUES | Dedication + Moxie

  • We think critically and creatively while always working to find THE BETTER WAY;
  • We may bend the rules, but always keep within them and ultimately do the right thing;
  • Because we are independently-minded, we do it our way — and in a way that is unique to us!


We are not a firm, we are a consultancy, or a collection of independent thinkers organized around our clients. We sit outside the box and know that one size never fits all. As a result, we organize our business around you. We are Independent and grounded in the realities and complexities of the issue.  In addition, we don’t just do the work, we bring you opportunities and ideas to the table to help move your business forward.

  • First we are not a public relations agency — We are a communications team.
  • Business has changed and so have our roles. We come without titles, just responsibilities and experience. 
  • We got rid of hierarchies so that we can just get the job done. 
  • We are not just responsible for the work to get done and done well, we are responsive to you and not someone else.

Daniel Cherrin

DANIEL CHERRIN |served the City of Detroit as its Communications Director and the Press Secretary to Detroit Mayor, Ken Cockrel, Jr. He is a public relations + affairs specialist who just happens to be a lawyer, with 20 years of experience providing senior public relations and government relations’ counsel to organizations on state and federal regulatory and legislative matters, as well as issues affecting corporate and individual reputation, crisis management and the media. Daniel is the founder of NORTH COAST STRATEGIES (Est. 2005) an independent public relations consultancy that combines the best of a big agency with hands-on executive-level experience and support. As a signatory company to the United Nations Global Compact, we are dedicated to addressing issues around human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. We are also focused on redefining your brand and changing the conversation to create an impact.