Shredding Sensitive Military Equipment
The United States House and Senate passed their own version of a defense authorization bill that would prevent the sale of F-14 parts once destroyed. This was in response to a number of parts getting sold on the black market to Iran, the only country with F-14s still in service.
The Cherrin Law Group worked directly with the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and their staff to amend the language of the Defense Authorization Bill to allow for the complete destruction of F-14 parts and their tooling and dies, and permit the sale of remaining parts.We also held a few meetings in Michigan with Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), to introduce them to Fritz Enterprises first-hand.
The Cherrin Law Group successfully secured language in the FY08 Defense Authorization bill (H.R. 1585, House Rpt 110-477) encouraging the Defense Department to destroy any remaining F-14s and sell the resultant scrap as appropriate, in addition to, prohibiting the Department of Defense from not only selling F-14 parts, but also “any tooling or dies used in the manufacture of such aircraft or parts.”