It is okay if you don’t tap social media due to regulatory restrictions or it just does not fit your customer base, but you should have someone dedicated to monitoring various social media channels to avoid damage to your company’s reputation. Just because you are not posting something does not prevent someone posting something about you.
So determine the best social media channels for your organization and create a social media plan, even if it means just listening.
Traditional media’s influence is waning. Social media has flattened the playing field, allowing companies to disseminate the information they want, to whomever they want, whenever and however they want. There’s no longer a need to wait for a journalist to file a story— if companies want their audiences to know something, they can just post it to their blog, Facebook page, or Twitter feed.
If you’re still deciding whether or not to maintain a social media presence, the answer should almost surely be yes. Your audiences aren’t waiting for you to interact— they’re already talking about you. Companies that engage their audiences can build positive relationships, create a reservoir of goodwill to tap into when a crisis strikes, and help prevent false rumors from spreading before they take deep root.
Journalists are also turning to social media in droves to learn more about you. If you’re not managing your reputation where your audiences are, you’re nowhere— or worse.