sustainable fuel

Media Coverage from the Past Week and a Big Announcement From Ford, Google, and the City of Detroit

Media Coverage from the Past Week and a Big Announcement From Ford, Google, and the City of Detroit

Knowing your goals is crucial to successful media outreach. Having a great story, relevant to the news cycle will also help you secure meaningful media attention. Here is just a sample of the media our team at North Coast Strategies secured this week.

My year started with A $50 Million Dollar Investment By Microsoft and a $40 Million Investment by Carlyle and Verizon Ventures

My year started with A $50 Million Dollar Investment By Microsoft and a $40 Million Investment by Carlyle and Verizon Ventures

This year we started with three major announcements from our clients. One was a $50M investment by Microsoft in LanzaJet to complete construction on their biorefinery in Georgia. The other was a $40M investment by Carlyle and Verizon Ventures in Fermata Energy. This is in addition to an announcement Fermata Energy made with Electric Frog and National Grid on the success of their vehicle-to-grid project in Rhode Island.