An announcement with the Department of Energy, a visit by the Chinese Ambassador, Earth Day and other news from this week.

An announcement with the Department of Energy, a visit by the Chinese Ambassador, Earth Day and other news from this week.

This week we continued to see international coverage from the announcement between LanzaTech and Bridgestone on recycling end-of-life tires and between LanzaTech and Sekisui. Because of Earth Day today we also saw a nice article between LanzaTech and On. Fermata Energy had an announcement yesterday with the US Department of Energy that we some coverage in and anticipate more in the next week. The Chinese Ambassador also visited Marquis Energy.

Government, labor, industry leaders to announce first of its kind collaborative to accelerate “vehicle-to-everything” technologies

Government, labor, industry leaders to announce first of its kind collaborative to accelerate “vehicle-to-everything” technologies

The US Department of Energy and 20+ partners from labor, state/local governments, utilities, & private entities, including Fermata Energy, will evaluate the feasibility of bidirectional plug-in electric vehicles in our energy infrastructure. Read the Vehicle-to-Everything announcement

Bridgestone Partners with LanzaTech to Pursue End-of-Life Tire Recycling Technologies

Bridgestone Partners with LanzaTech to Pursue  End-of-Life Tire Recycling Technologies

LanzaTech, a Chicago-based carbon capture company, and Bridgestone announced that they are developing a solution for recycling end-of-life tires by taking old tires and creating new ones. Learn more at

Media Clips From Our Clients This Past Week


HAPPI: Fine Fragrance Category Finishes on a High Note


Global IP News:  Lanzatech Inc Files United States Patent Application for Recombinant Microorganisms and Uses Therefor


Advanced Biofuels USA: The Race to Upcycle CO2 into Fuels, Concrete and More
Waste Advantage Magazine: Oak Ridge National Lab Turns Pollution into Fuel, Plastics and ... High-End Clothes?

The Oak Ridger: Oak Ridge National Lab turns pollution into fuel, plastics and ... high-end clothes?

The Daily News Journal:  Oak Ridge uses bacteria to turn pollution into fuel, plastics and ... dresses?

Knoxville News Sentinel: Oak Ridge National Lab turns pollution into fuel, plastics and ... high-end clothes?

Les Échos: Le plastique et l'intelligence collective The future of Aotearoa’s economy depends on startups

Fermata Energy

Oil and Gas Press: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
Kentucky New Era: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
The Valdosta Daily Times: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
Le Lézard: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
KULR-TV (Billings, MT): Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
The Bakersfield Californian: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
Business Wire: Wells Fargo Innovation Incubator Announces Its First Demonstration Cohort
Smart Energy International: Vehicle-to-building demonstrates savings in Boulder
Government Technology: Boulder, Colo., Two-Way EV Charging System Shows Savings
IoT M2M Council: Fermata V2X lowers energy costs in Boulder
Colorado Daily: Boulder's two-way electric vehicle charging system shows savings in first year
Daily Camera:  Boulder's two-way electric vehicle charging system shows savings in first year
Colorado Daily:  Boulder's two-way electric vehicle charging system shows savings in first year
Microgrid Knowledge: Microgrid projects and EVs can make magic with the right market signals


City of Boulder saves $270 per month from Fermata Energy’s V2X application

City of Boulder saves $270 per month from Fermata Energy’s V2X application

Results from working with the City of Boulder. While we can share our own stories it is sometimes better to work collaboratively with others in sharing stories of mutual interest - in this case, working with the City of Boulder, Colorado. Below please find their stories and other stories from the past week.

How the City of Boulder is saving money using one electric vehicle?

How the City of Boulder is saving money using one electric vehicle?

Fermata Energy’s Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technology Lowers Energy Costs and Increases Renewable Energy Use for the City of Boulder, Colorado. Vehicle-to-Building (V2B) Project in Boulder, in Partnership with Fermata Energy, demonstrates that Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleets Can Lower Energy Costs for Municipalities.

Media clips from the past week.

Fermata Energy

Microgrid Knowledge: Vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-microgrid projects expand

California Current: Vehicle-to-Grid No Longer Science Projects

GreenBiz -




A Green Living Blog: Jennifer Holmgren: from alternative fuels pioneer to carbon recycling queen

Advanced Biofuels USA: GreenBiz 350 Podcast Episode 308: LanzaTech CEO Reflects
GreenBiz: Episode 308: LanzaTech CEO reflects, SXSW startup scene
GreenBiz: Jennifer Holmgren: from alternative fuels pioneer to carbon recycling queen

New Zealand Herald: A boom for sonic: Peter Beck, LanzaTech co-founder Sean Simpson back Dotterel

Triple Pundit: What’s Next for LanzaTech, the Carbon Capture Company?

Nature Biotechnology

Advanced Biofuels USA: Three Partners, Two Problems, One Bioenergy Research Article Published

Woodside Announcement

Advanced Biofuels USA: LanzaTech, ReCarbon, Woodside Team up on Carbon Capture and Utilization Project in Australia
Biofuels Digest: LanzaTech, ReCarbon, Woodside team up on carbon capture and utilization project in Australia

gasworld magazine: Woodside, US tech join forces to study usage of captured CO2

Hydrocarbon Engineering Magazine: Woodside launches CCU collaboration
Indian Chemical News: Woodside partners with ReCarbon, LanzaTech to study CCU project in Australia

Offshore Technology: Woodside partners with US firms on carbon capture and utilisation project
Oil and Gas Press: Carbon capture and utilisation collaboration in Perth, Western Australia
Oil and Gas Press: Oil and Gas | Global Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Report 2022 Featuring Neste, Aemetis, Avfuel, Gevo, Lanzatech, Preem AB, Sasol, SkyNRG, & World Energy -
Petroleum Africa: Woodside Launches Carbon Capture and Utilization Collaboration
Shale Markets: Woodside teams up with U.S. tech developers to turn greenhouse gases into decarbonised products

The Motley Fool (Australia): Here's why the Woodside (ASX:WPL) share price is having a stellar end to the week
The West Australian:  Woodside announces low-carbon plan

The Chemical Engineer (tce): Partners enter carbon capture and utilisation collaboration

SHV Announcement

Biomass Magazine: LanzaTech, SHV Energy partner on renewable propane @BiomassMagazine
Canadian Biomass: LanzaTech, SHV Energy partner to produce renewable propane
Ethanol Producer Magazine: LanzaTech, SHV Energy partner on renewable propane @EthanolMagazine

GlobeNewswire: Renewable Propane Partnership for LanzaTech and SHV Energy
Lp Gas: SHV Energy, LanzaTech partner to produce renewable propane

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal: Renewable Propane Partnership for LanzaTech and SHV Energy

The Fly: LanzaTech enters partnership with SHV Energy

Twelve Partnership

Close-Up Media:  Twelve Partnering with LanzaTech


SPACInsider: The Latest SPAC News and Rumors: March 23, 2022

Startup Daily: RocketLab's Peter Beck backs Kiwi audio startup in NZ$3 million raise

Fortune: Katie Haun lands $1.5B for two crypto funds in historic raise for solo VC
Freethink: Engineered bacteria can turn chemical production into net-negative for CO2 emissions


Global IP News:  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Publishes Lanzatech Inc's Patent Application for Methods and Apparatus for Recycling Tail Gas in Syngas Fermentation to Ethanol

JD Supra: Wrap-Up of Federal and State Chemical Regulatory Developments, March 2022 | JD Supra
JD Supra: House Committee Holds Hearing on Bioenergy RD&D for the Fuels and Chemicals of Tomorrow | JD Supra

The National Law Review: House Committee Holds Hearing on Bioenergy RD&D for the Fuels and Chemicals of Tomorrow

News Heater: Is There a Dimmer Outlook Ahead for Coty Inc. (COTY)?

Do you work for a Badass?

Do you work for a Badass?

Dr. Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of LanzaTech had a great week. She announced that her company entered into a SPAC deal and she was named a Badass by GreenBiz. We had two clients with stories in The Wall Street Journal this week talking about vehicle-to-everything technology with Fermata Energy, and the SPAC deal and turning pollution into products with LanzaTech. Some of the best stories are those that are told about you by someone else. Many partners relish their work with our clients and helped share their stories. I hope you enjoy them below.

Global Media Attention For Technology That Will Change Manufacturing

Global Media Attention For Technology That Will Change Manufacturing

North Coast Strategies is an independent public relations consultancy that secures global media attention for its clients each week. From Mardi Gras and Detroit oldest black-owned restaurants, to a collaboration between Northwestern University, LanzaTech and the Oak Ridge Laboratory, check out the media attention we secured for our clients in just one week.

Closing the Carbon Cycle and Creating a Pathway to Net-Zero

Closing the Carbon Cycle and Creating a Pathway to Net-Zero

What if you could take today's plastic or acrylics and create them using pollution and lock carbon up before it escapes into our atmosphere? In the March issue of Nature Biotechnology, (and online today), a team of scientists from LanzaTech, Northwestern University, and the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Lab reveal their results and methods from a pilot-scale demonstration and life cycle analysis that they can now manufacture glass for windows or headlights, plastics, even nail polish remover and thousands of other products, all from pollution. (See story, here.) This carbon negative platform saves >160% GHG emissions, playing a critical role in helping the U.S. reach a net-zero emissions economy. The results from this collaboration will change how companies can manufacture products.

Global media for our clients and the impact they make around the world

This week, we announced the 2022 schedule for the Guild of Artists & Artisans in Michigan and Ohio. It is great to be able to make announcements about major events, and these are always outside. We also announced the largest sustainable aviation fuel plant in North America will be built outside of Chicago between LanzaJet and Marquis Sustainable Aviation Fuel that resulted in coverage in North America and Europe in mainstream media, such as Crain’s Chicago Business and trade publications such as Aviation International News and Biofuels Digest. The media continues to share news about our clients and their work globally, with coverage in Green Biz, Metro-UK, CNN, and CNBC among others. Finally, congratulations to our past client South Pole on Salesforce’s investment in their company. Below please find additional media from this past week.





Awards + Leadership



Fermata Energy

Decarbonizing Aviation

Decarbonizing Aviation

This partnership will utilize carbon capture and sequestration, renewable energy, and other innovative practices to bring lower-cost, low carbon-intensity sustainable aviation fuel, renewable diesel, and other sustainable hydrocarbons to the global market and help accelerate the decarbonization of various industries, including the tough to decarbonize aviation sector.

2022 Art Fair Schedule Announced by Guild of Artists & Artisans

2022 Art Fair Schedule Announced by Guild of Artists & Artisans

The Guild of Artists & Artisans (The Guild) is proud to announce its 2022 Fine Art Fair & Gutman Gallery Exhibition Schedules. For more than fifty years The Guild has been helping raise community awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the visual arts while maintaining a support network for artists. With a total of six Art Fairs, The Guild is delighted to continue to bring fun and educational events to five cities across Southeast Michigan and into Ohio. Each fair brings a unique group of artists and has various opportunities to purchase art, interact with artists and art activities, enjoy live entertainment and a selection of food vendors.

Media Coverage from the Past Week and a Big Announcement From Ford, Google, and the City of Detroit

Media Coverage from the Past Week and a Big Announcement From Ford, Google, and the City of Detroit

Knowing your goals is crucial to successful media outreach. Having a great story, relevant to the news cycle will also help you secure meaningful media attention. Here is just a sample of the media our team at North Coast Strategies secured this week.