What start-ups are making a significant environmental, social and economic impact within the business world (Media Advisory)

What start-ups are making a significant environmental, social and economic impact within the business world (Media Advisory)

SBIO semi-finalist Plascon Plastics’ patented processes allow specific waste streams of materials to be incorporated directly into the injection molding process for use in new plastic products and packaging. | Image credit: Plascon Plastics

Business leaders in Vancouver take plastics pledge long before G7 gather in Quebec

Business leaders in Vancouver take plastics pledge long before G7 gather in Quebec

A lot of the discussion at the G7 summit next month will focus on ocean sustainability and a plastics charter still being negotiated with G7 nations, led by Environment Minister Catherine McKenna. While the Prime Minister focuses his ocean’s agenda is expected to focus on three areas: combating overfishing, reducing the dumping of harmful plastics and finding ways to help coastal states — including parts of the United States — cope with rising sea levels, corporations are already redesigning their business around cleaner oceans.

The Guild of Artists & Artisans announces the 2018 calendar of art fairs and events

The Guild of Artists & Artisans announces the 2018 calendar of art fairs and events

he Guild of Artists & Artisans is a non-profit, membership organization of professional artists that produces six art events throughout the year, including the award-winning Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair. Each event is a juried event, representing a diverse array of fine art mediums, with ceramics, painting, photography, glass, jewelry, sculpture, mixed media, drawing, printmaking and more. Entertainment and great food options at each of these fairs make them extra enjoyable and exciting events.

PLAYGROUND DETROIT brings artists with disabilities into the gallery for its’ first exhibition of 2018

PLAYGROUND DETROIT brings artists with disabilities into the gallery for its’ first exhibition of 2018

In their first exhibition of 2018, PLAYGROUND DETROIT will feature 100 works by 70 different artists, all of whom have a developmental disability. The exhibition, “What Color Do You Want to Start With?”  starts with an evening opening reception on Thursday, January 25, 2018, from 6-9P, and runs until February 3, 2018. Gallery hours are Wednesday-Friday, 12-6p and Saturday, 12-4P. 

Let's set a new standard and maximize our impact!

If there was ever a time to get involved and make a difference, it is now. In one of his final acts in office, President Obama encouraged people to "grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself," if they were disappointed in their elected officials. 

While we need good, honorable and focused individuals to run for office, we also need passionate and energetic people to step in to lead the nonprofit organizations filling the gaps in services our government no longer provides.

With an open seat in my district, now that Congressman Sander Levin announced his retirement, I was given an opportunity to run for this open seat.

Like many of you, I am frustrated by just sitting on the sidelines, watching and listening to the news around me. Real or fake I am ready to do something about it. Instead of running for political office, I have decided to focus on getting involved in philanthropy, lending my experience to causes I am passionate about children's health and education, finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, literacy and filling food deserts among many others. Perhaps I will even try to help corporations find their soul and become more engaged through corporate philanthropy. Brands can do more than government today to solve the problems that exist around us -- education reform, workforce training, environmental issues, free trade, gender issues, income inequality, climate change and sustainability are all issues companies can have an impact on and force government to act upon. I am going to connect companies to causes and communities, for the purpose, profit and impact.

In addition to running for office, getting to know your elected officials, or voting, together, we can maximize our impact if we get involved in a cause that matters to each of us. Whether it is through fundraising, networking or rolling up your sleeves to pick up the work, there are many opportunities to have a direct and immediate impact on the lives of others -- Without the politics.

Finding a way to turn her campaign movement into a movement to get people engaged, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is encouraging everyone to get involved around issues you are passionate about or into problems affecting your life that you have the power to change. Clinton said,

  • If it does not exist build it.
  • If you think someone should do something then you should do it.
  • If a problem is affecting your life then change it.
  • Stop keeping your opinion to yourself -- speak out on social media and in the media.

We have the power to change. We just need to stop talking about it and start doing it. By getting involved we will make a difference and will set a new standard for public engagement and community involvement.

The standard, however, should not be politics. It should be the community and it should be through philanthropy. The average Congressional seat costs $1.5M. Imagine what you can do if each campaign raised $1.5 and donated it all to a charity. There are 435 House Seats. If the Democratic and Republican nominee each raised $1.5M and donated their funds, that would bring a total of $1.3B to support filling a void left by government.

While rich with a great family, I am part of America's middle class -- Where I want to and need to work to support my family. To make sure they have food on the table, a warm and safe place to sleep at night, a strong education and an even stronger support network around them. After I can guarantee that, my wife and I can make sure our children have a chance to experience the things they enjoy and help them discover their true potential. Then we shift our focus to the community around us and work together to support others where we can. In getting involved locally, I am able to make a difference in my community, together as a family. That is where I can make the greatest impact. Starting with my children and moving forward to the community around me.

I am frustrated when politics gets in the way of policy. When people in positions of influence lose focus and forget why they wanted to get involved in public service. To help people in influential positions remain focused, I have built my career on starting conversations. No matter how hard the issues are, we need to start conversations about issues that matter to us. It should not matter if the person we are talking to agrees with us or not. If we don’t start the conversation we will never be able to find consensus out of chaos.

Once we start the conversation we are bound to find something that we can agree on. Whether you bond with someone over a policy issue, yesterday's football game or the weather, we can find something to start the conversation and open the door to a deeper discussion over what matters. After all, there is always a path forward and I work to help others get on the same path.

In starting the conversation, I am not the expert. I am, however, good at keeping people focused on their goals and helping them reach an outcome they could be happy about. Professionally, it is my responsibility to keep everyone focused. I do this by listening and being engaged in the conversation we started.

Running for office, however, takes you away from your family and politics kick you off the same path. As a dad and husband, I want to be near and with my family, and I want to provide them with every opportunity to live a long life, enriched with family, culture and community. I equally enjoy being near my wife. Together we work hard on focusing on our children. While we want to give them everything, we live within our means, do not spend what we don't have, and make the most of everything we do have.

As an individual, I am frustrated by the world around me. I am disappointed that we still live in a world where people are suffering as a result of bad people craving power and somehow influencing others to support them. I am concerned that we live in a world, full of technological advances to enhance our lives but technology and data that can destroy our lives. As a private citizen, I will work through philanthropy to make a larger impact in the world around me. While I will support people running for political office, for now, I will make my impact by rolling up my sleeves, giving up some time and getting involved in the community. I hope you will join me!

In-Home ABA Therapy Options Expand for Children with Autism and Their Families

In-Home ABA Therapy Options Expand for Children with Autism and Their Families

Centria Healthcare, the nation’s largest provider of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children with autism, today announced its expansion of autism services into eight new counties in New Jersey: Camden, Gloucester, Burlington, Ocean, Monmouth, and parts of Mercer, Middlesex, and Atlantic. Expanding services in New Jersey will allow Centria Healthcare to help families find the resources they need to help their children succeed in the world on their own terms. 


GUILTY, in the court of public opinion!

GUILTY, in the court of public opinion!

While we may be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, we have a higher burden in the court of public opinion. Social media plays a central role in how we form our opinions on the news and on each other.

Communication is key in creating comfortable workplaces

Communication is key in creating comfortable workplaces

No one is immune from harassment. While it is difficult to control the actions of someone's bad decisions, employers can create an environment that is safe for their employees and customers. 

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services doubles down on luxury real estate in the City of Detroit

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services doubles down on luxury real estate in the City of Detroit

In 2003 Warren Buffet said Detroit has "huge potential" and might even be a place for Berkshire Hathaway to invest if he finds a suitable company.  Today, Berkshire Hathaway announced The Loft Warehouse joins their HomeServices Real Estate Brokerage Network, their first investment in the City of Detroit. 

It's time you hire more people with a disability

It's time you hire more people with a disability

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month which gives us a chance to celebrate companies that employ people with disabilities and embrace diversity and inclusion practices, and raise awareness for those companies that don’t.  Services to Enhance Potential (STEP) and other Community Rehabilitation Organizations, are preparing individuals with developmental disabilities for these opportunities.  Every day these organizations work with thousands of individuals with disabilities helping prepare them for work opportunities.  Additionally, efforts are taken to work with the potential employer to assure the individual’s transition to the work place is a smooth one and the employer needs continue to be met.  

Detroit gets ready to host the nation's changemakers to explore our common future

Detroit gets ready to host the nation's changemakers to explore our common future

Independent Sector, the Michigan Nonprofit Association, and the Council of Michigan Foundations will host more than 1,000 changemakers at Our Common Future in Detroit this October 25-27.

How safe is our nation’s food supply?

How safe is our nation’s food supply?

Equifax and the SEC are today’s current cyber-disturbance.  But what about our food supply.  Congress, in 2010, enacted the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The law drastically updates how our food is regulated. It creates guidelines for food manufacturers and processors to follow in the processing, producing and handling of food, from harvesting to processing, warehousing and distribution. The federal government however, is still trying to figure out how to enforce the FSMA. The most recent rules focus on preventing the intentional adulteration of food in the supply chain.

What sets you apart? For me, its' MI Independence!

What sets you apart? For me, its' MI Independence!

We just created the agency of the future. We are an agency of independents.  Call us what you want – freelancers, contractors, temps, 1099’s or solo-preneurs, we are flexible and nimble enough to build an agency around our clients and not afraid to give you our advice in moving your business forward.  We don’t employ people, we work with a select team of experienced professionals and specific disciplines who sit as equal partners.  With each client, we start from scratch and find the right team to fit that specific job. 

Millennials demand your message matter

Millennials demand your message matter

Businesses struggle today in how to deal with the millennial workforce and yet, millennials are forcing the hands of companies to speak up and speak out on high profile environmental issues and on perceived social injustices.Where government fails to act, millennials are demanding their employer or the company's they do business with, step up to the plate to make an impact beyond their bottom line.

Can associations advance a legislative agenda?

Can associations advance a legislative agenda?

The short answer is yes!  Many association leaders struggle with the issue of advocacy. Would the organization loose its non-profit status if it took a position for or against something in the legislature.

Investors are noticing the corporations filling a void left by government

Investors are noticing the corporations filling a void left by government

In the past, the chief executives of America's largest companies hid behind associations to advocate for or against issues to avoid retribution from their employees or customers, Today, however is a different day and our employees and customer are asking our CEO's to speak up and speak out. And investor's are starting to notice.

Are association executives listening?

Are association executives listening?

Social media continues to evolve, but it has become a vital tool to advance the association's mission and agenda bygiving us the ability to start the conversation.

Today, we are still vulnerable to attack

Today, we are still vulnerable to attack

Today an attack could come from anywhere with the push of a button. We are vulnerable and at risk. But we can prepare and plan to help avoid harm, injury and any damage to our reputation. 

Associations have the power to influence policy. They just need to know how to channel that power.

Associations have the power to influence policy. They just need to know how to channel that power.

To be effective in its' advocacy efforts, whether it is before Congress or the governor, associations need to be relevant to the conversation and have something meaningful to contribute.

Grassroots advocacy for associations must focus on THE RELATIONSHIP

Grassroots advocacy for associations must focus on THE RELATIONSHIP

Why are relationships important?  Not just between a legislator and an association, but between an association and its members?